联 系 人:孟先生
The FGfilter filtration Technology company mission is to be a global leader supplying Industrial filtration products and filter media to companies engaged in filtering liquids From solids, filtering dust, air filtration, dewatering, collecting, filtering and purifying hot Gases and other industrial process applications. We provide top quality products, excellent Customer service and leading-edge technical support to our customers.
FGfilter filtration Technology Company has more than 100 years of history as a Global and technological leader in filtration and screening products for industrial process Filtration applications. We hold leading market positions across the globe, particularly for Woven filter belt and filter cloth products. Technological leadership driven by strong & Capabilities, vast distribution networks, a comprehensive product portfolio, and a global Footprint of over 4000employees, guarantee that FGfilter Filtration customers can count On the broadest availability of filter cloth, belting and dry filter products in the industry
企业类型: | 有限责任公司 | 主营行业: | 立式压滤机滤布、 除尘耐高温滤芯、 peek滤布、 BDO凯夫拉滤袋、 PTFE滤管、 纳米级拦截精度滤布、 啤酒过滤机滤布、 酱油滤布、 PTMEG车间滤布、 选矿精炼滤布、 米糠油过滤级滤布、 玉米淀粉转鼓机滤布、 制糖压滤机滤布、 制药过滤滤布、 钛白粉压滤机滤布、 白炭黑压滤机滤布、 精细化工滤布、 脱硫滤布、 流化床干燥捕集袋、 扁平褶皱除尘滤芯 |
注册资本: | 人民币 100万 | 公司注册地: | 苏州市吴中经济开发区郭巷街道叠翠峰花园9幢114室 |
员工人数: | -人 | 公司注册时间: | 2015-10-10 |
法定代表人/负责人: | 赵光亮 | 主要客户群体: | |
年营业额: | 100万-500万人民币 | 主要经营地点: | |
主要市场: | 经营品牌: | ||
开户银行: | 银行帐号: | ||
管理体系认证: | ISO 9002 | 质量控制: | 内部 |
月产量: |